Sunday, April 10, 2011

The babies came VERY hungry so poor Uncle Bob got charged with keeping them occupid whle I made food and got the big kids out the door for school! Lizzie refused to give up her spot - even for Lila!

Our little Rock Star!

Miss Lila - giving her best smile while she waits for her food!

Brendan took a vey long nap so the girls and I all went outside for some spring fun! Lila didn't have a jacket or hat so we improvised - Annie thought she was the cutest thing ever!

Hanging on the chair with Auntie - such a big girl!

Beautiful girl - she was watching EVERYTHING!

Lizzie wanted to play with Lila!

After Lila made her escape from this blanket we went in and got 5 more so Lila would not get the grass! It did NOT work! She still ate some grass - we call it ruffage in our house!

Kisses from Annie

And she is off!

Quietly creeping so that Auntie doesn't notice!

Nothing like a good twig before lunch! I did take it away from her!

Our girl LOVES the swings. She got pushed by all of her cousins and giggled the entire time. I tried to get a video but then I had to stop pushing her feet and that was her favorite part!

Ahhhhhh - this is the life!

Bright Smiling eyes - makes my heart melt!

Brendan loving all his toys!

Lila was going for a toy!

But her brother's foot works just as well in this case!

Brendan can't figure out why he can't move - his sister is pulling on his leg!

Pretty girl - everytime I see Lila she has a little bit more hair!

Handsome boy!

Had to take this one of Lila with the Whoozit - this was, by far, my kids favorite toy when they were babies!

This was how it went when Brendan took his 2nd two hour nap and Auntie attempted to get Lila to sleep! Playtime for Auntie and Lila! She looks exhausted right?

"Bed - maybe later, Auntie!"

Love those sweet Lila smiles! I LOVED the quality time I got with Lila - I think she knew that we needed some bonding time so she stayed up ALL day to love on Auntie! It was heaven!

This is Brendan's annoyed look! The reason - everytime I gave him a mini bagel Ellie stole it from him! He was not a happy camper!
Trying to get a video of Brendan crawling! Not all that successful but at least you get the general point of how big our boy is getting!

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