Saturday, September 17, 2011

More August Pictures!

Lila looked adorable in an Irish dress that was Lizzie's!

She wasn't very cooperative but she looked adorable!

Brendan loves the slide - he rarely leaves the slide to go play anywhere else!

Sweet Baby Boy!

Lila put something in her mouth and was NOT amused!

Brendan getting brave now that he can walk and heading over to play on the tire swing!

Lila got some "help" from Lizzie!


At least when she knocked her over she was sweet about helping her up.

Lila never wants to go down the slide - she always wants to go up!

Sweet baby Girl!

Always a rebel - standing on the slide!

Brendan can always find the most dirty place to play. He is ALL boy!

They look so big playing together on the swings!

ready for a ride!

Lizzie pulling the wagon - Lila and Brendan though it was the best thing ever!

Lila gets her turn!

Later in the day we went to Hartford Hospital to visit Meg at work but I forgot my camera! We got to see where Meg works, eat lunch in the cafeteria and get a treat in the store! It was another great day with the babies!

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