Friday, October 15, 2010

A visit to Grammy's House!

Grammy Lawrence sent me these pictures for the blog so that I would finally get to show off Tim's family with the baby! Lila took a visit with her Daddy over to visit Grammy, Papa and her Aunts and Uncle! It looks like she didn't get any attention at all!
Papa and Lila - Aunt Sarah is in the background with Brendan.

Auntie Sarah and Colin loving Lila.

Colin getting to know his cousin! He looks pretty darn comfortable with her!

Kisses for Lila

Auntie May meets Lila - she thought she was wonderful!

Aunt Sarah with Lila - somebody looks ready for a baby! hint hint

Uncle Danny and his goddaughter with the proud Daddy looking on!

I am hoping to upload lots of pictures this weekend but for now I loved these pictures of Lila's visit to her grandparents! I have a feeling she is going to love it there when she is older - who wouldn't with all that attention?

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