Big news for the Lawrence Family - Meg and Tim put a bid in on a condo in Parsons Village and tonight they heard from the seller that their bid was accepted. Brendan and Lila will have their own room in a beautiful condo with brand new appliances and freshly painted walls. Meg is taking suggestions for decorating the nursery so if you have a good idea on how to blend the beautiful blue and pink bedding into one peaceful room let us know. I am doing the blogging again for a while because frankly - the preggo is a major slacker these days and there are lots of exciting things going on!
Meg and Tim celebrating their bid acceptance on the new condo!
I can't wait to see the beautiful new floors covered with baby blankets, swings and bouncy seats! I also can't wait to see the nursery where our 2 beautiful bundles will sleep! Congratulations to Meg and Tim! Goodnight, Sweet Babies - We love you!
Thank you for taking over again! I was starved for an update on my niece and nephew fetuses (I really wanted to say feti but I googled it and that would be incorrect). It says that right now, at 23 weeks, they're really starting to hear things so this auntie is going to begin her belly talking campaign! So exciting!