Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The New Crib!

As Kasey blogged a few days ago, Tim and I bought a condo!  We are so excited to have a room for the babies and I'm very proud of us for being homeowners!  The condo is in the same place we live now, Parsons Village, but is a two bedroom.. and we OWN it!  Yay!

It looks to me like the previous owner bought the place just to "flip" it.  All the appliances are brand new, the cabinets are new, the lighting fixtures are new, everything is new!  We looked at a lot of condos, and I had my heart set on one before (Tim didn't like it) but this was the only one that we agreed on!  We know we love the complex so as soon as we saw a 2 bedroom come on the market we went to see it right away and the next day, we made an offer.  I still can't believe it.  Anyways, my head is overflowing with ideas for the nursery and the whole condo in general, but we won't close until the end of June, so I have a while to plan.   Here are some pictures of how it looks now!

 Anyways, I've been working like crazy and I'm exhausted so that's all for now!  I'm leaving for LA in 2 days and I am SOOOOO EXCITED to spend some time with my sisters. 


  1. wish I'd seen it in person-sorry bout that-but it looks happy for you guys...can't wait to see you on Friday night...woohoo! oxBeppy

  2. That is one gorgeous condo! How lucky to have a pristine place to move into! Sounds like blessings and abundance are coming your way. I was telling somebody at work who has a boy and a girl set of twins about you. He said his only advice is to keep them in one crib to begin with because they miss each other too much to sleep alone at first. I thought that was the sweetest thing. Miss you guys!

    Love Kara
