Friday, April 2, 2010

Who will they look like?

I love a little blast from the past so I thought that I would upload some pictures along the way so that we can see what the babies might look like. I asked Tim's mom for some pictures of him and his siblings so hopefully I will get to post those soon! I also have some REALLY old pictures of the babies' great aunts and uncles to post another time! This could get interesting!
Beth Lynn Kelly (Meg's Sister)
How did we not know that she was going to grow up to be an actress? She was even gorgeous as a teenager!
Eileen Marie Kelly (Meg's Sister)
I'm pretty sure she was on a sugar high after a trip to Amenta's in this one!

Karen Ann Kelly (Meg's Sister)
You could always count on KK to give us a good laugh and be in fashion!
Brendan Mack Kelly (Meg's Brother)
This was Brendan's 1st Communion and he was resisting all temptation to act the least bit holy! Big shock!

Meghan Mary Kelly (Mommy to the Babies)
Meg is sitting next to Auntie Mary who inevitably has a big smile on her face - just as all of us did when Meg was around!

Colin Edward Mack Kelly (Meg's Brother)
If you can look past the sailor suit you will see a happy, smiley, sweet little guy that Auntie Kate gave birth to JUST for me! I said that if she had another baby after Meg I would buy her an outfit to bring him home in - a few months later there he was! And I went to the hospital with a very cute little Santa outfit for him to come home in! (He was born on December 20th)
Goodnight, Sweet Babies! We Love You!

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